这两天,巴黎奥运会的各项比赛激战正酣。 作为世界竞技水平最高的赛场之一,奥运会除了每场比赛的输赢、奖牌榜上的排名、各项被打破的纪录牵动着亿万观众的心,也常常让我们惊叹于一些世界顶尖选手的“神级”表现。 像是全红婵著名的“水花消失术”。 比如前两天潘展乐以46秒40的成绩打破100米自由泳世界纪录。 再比如郑钦文昨天2:0击败女单世界第一的波兰名将斯瓦泰克,闯进决赛,再一次创造中国网球女单历史。 郑钦文获胜后发微博“相信就是力量” 当然,还有樊振东4:3逆转张本智和,成功捍卫国乒男单荣誉。 这些看似闲庭信步、自信满满、以下克上、力挽狂澜的表现和强大心理素质,让我们不禁感叹,顶级运动员与普通人之间天赋的差异。 然而,曾获得20个网球大满贯男单冠军的“网球天王”费德勒(Roger Federer),在前不久的美国达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College,常青藤八大盟校之一)2024届毕业典礼上的演讲中说道: 毫不费力的成功只是虚幻的神话,你必须非常努力,才能看起来毫不费力。 (Effortless is a myth.I had to work very hard to make it look easy.) 要不要这么燃! 费德勒2024达特茅斯学院毕业演讲 从古到今,人们为体育比赛而痴狂,也为体育精神所感动,从而备受激励。 体育运动常常包含着重要的人生哲理。 特别是对于顶尖高手来说,其所感所知,所凝结的经验,常常蕴含着带领他们走向胜利的底层逻辑。 而这种领悟,对普通人也有极强的借鉴意义。 今天,东方君想将这位“网球天王”对即将步入社会的毕业生的建议分享给大家。 "希望这些经验在你们毕业之后也能有所助益” 整个演讲的核心观点有三个: 第一,看起来毫不费力的成功,仅仅是虚幻的神话而已,所有的成功都需要付出艰辛的努力; 第二,过往的成败,仅仅是经历而已,过去就过去了,我们学会接受失败,应对失败,然后继续前进; 第三,赛场不是人生的全部,我们要在更广阔的世界中不断探索,贡献自己的力量,并感受其中的乐趣。 由于费德勒的演讲比较长,以下节选一些特别触动东方君的段落,分享给大家。 Olympic Games 毫不费力只是一个神话 Today, I want to share a few lessons I've relied on through this transition. 今天,我想分享一些我在这个转变过程中所依赖的经验教训。 Let's call them tennis lessons. 我们可以称之为网球课。 I hope they will be useful in the world beyond Dartmouth. 我希望这些经验在你们离开校园后依然能发挥作用。 So here's the first. 接下来是第一个。 Effortless is a myth. 毫不费力只是一个神话。 I mean it, I say that as someone who has heard that word a lot. 我是认真的,作为一个经常听到这个词的人,我愿意这么说。 Effortless. 毫不费力。 People would say my play was effortless. 人们会说我的表现毫不费力。 Most of the time, they meant it as a compliment, but it used to frustrate me when they would say, "He barely broke a sweat," or, "Is he even trying?" The truth is I had to work very hard to make it look easy. 多数时候,他们都是在夸奖我,但当他们说“他几乎没出什么汗”或“他到底有没有努力过?” 时,我常常会感到沮丧。事实上,我必须非常努力才能让事情看起来毫不费力。 I spend years whining, swearing, sorry, throwing my rackets before I learned to keep my cool. 在我学会保持冷静之前,我花了很多年的时间抱怨、咒骂、愧疚、扔球拍。 The wake up call came early in my career when an opponent at the Italian open publicly questioned my mental discipline. 在我的职业生涯早期,意大利公开赛上的一位对手公开质疑我的心理素质,这对我来说是一个警醒。 He said, "Roger will be the favorite for the first two hours, then I'll be the favorite after that." I was puzzled at first, but eventually, I realized what he was trying to say. 他说:“前两个小时罗杰是夺冠大热门,在那之后我就是夺冠大热门。” 我一开始很困惑,但最终我明白了他想说什么。 Everybody can play well the first two hours. 前两个小时,大家都能表现得很好。 You're fit, you're fast, you're clear, and after two hours, your legs get wobbly, your mind starts wandering, and your discipline starts to fade. 你很健康,你速度很快,你思维清晰。两个小时后,你的腿变得摇摇晃晃,你的思想开始走神,你的纪律性开始变差。 It made me understand I have so much work ahead of me, and I'm ready to go on this journey. 它让我明白我面前还有许多工作要做,我已经准备好踏上这段旅程了。 I get it. 我有所领悟。 My parents, my coaches, and my fitness coach, everyone had been calling me out. 我的父母、我的教练、我的健身教练,每个人都在指出我的不足。 And now, even my rivals were doing it. 现在,就连我的竞争对手也这样做了。 Players, thank you. 各位对手,谢谢你们。 I'm returnly grateful for what you did, because you made me work harder. 我非常感激你们所做的一切,因为你们让我更加努力。 So I started to train harder, a lot harder actually. 于是,我开始更加努力地训练,我真的非常非常努力。 But then I realized winning effortlessly is the ultimate achievement. 但后来我意识到,“毫不费力地获胜”才是最终的成就。 I got that reputation, because my warmups at the tournaments were so casual that people didn't think I've been training hard, but I had been working hard before the tournament when nobody was watching. 我之所以得到这样的名声, 是因为我在比赛中的热身太过随意, 以至于人们认为我没有刻苦训练,但事实上我在比赛前没有人观看的时候就已经很努力了。 Maybe you've seen a version of this at Dartmouth. 也许你在达特茅斯学院见过类似的事情。 How many times did you feel like your classmates were racking up A after A without even trying? 有多少次,你感觉你的同学毫不费力就取得了一个又一个的 A? While you were pulling all-nighters, loading up in caffeine maybe, or crying softly in a corner of Sanborn Library. 而你却在熬夜、喝咖啡或在桑伯恩图书馆的一角轻声哭泣。 Hopefully like me, you learn that effortless is a myth. 希望你能像我一样认识到,毫不费力只是一个神话。 I didn't get where I got them pure talent alone. 我没有仅仅凭借天赋得到一切。 I got there by trying to outwork my opponents. 我通过努力超越对手才达到这一目标。 I believed in myself, but belief in yourself has to be earned. 我相信自己,但这份相信必须靠你自己赢得。 There was a moment in 2003 when my self-belief really kicked in. 在2003年,有那么一刻,我感觉自己的自信心开始真正觉醒。 I was at the ATB finals where only the best eight players qualify, and I beat some of the top players I really, really admired by aiming right at their strength. 我参加了只有最优秀的八名选手才有资格参加的 ATB 决赛,我针对他们的优势,打败了一些我非常钦佩的顶尖选手。 Before, I would run away from their strength. 换作以前,我会避开他们的优势。 If a guy had a strong forehand, I would try to hit his backhand, but now, I would try to go after his forehand. 那时,如果一个人的正手很强, 我会尝试打他的反手,但现在, 我会尝试攻击他的正手。 I tried to beat the baseliners from the baseline. 我会尝试通过底线球,击败擅长底线的球员。 I tried to beat the attackers by attacking. 我会试图通过进攻,来击败哪些擅长进攻的球员。 I tried to beat the net rushers from the net. 我会试图通过网前球,击败那些擅长冲网的球员。 I took a chance by doing that. 我这样做很是冒险的。 I said, "Why did I do it?" To amplify my game and expand my options, you need a whole arsenal of strength. 我问自己:“我为什么要这么做?” 为了提高我的比赛水平并扩大我的选择范围,你需要一整套强大的技术。 So if one of them breaks down, you've got something left. 这样一来,如果其中一个不灵,你还会有其他技能可以使用。 When your game is clicking like that, winning is easy relatively. 当比赛像那样进行时,获胜就相对容易了。 Then there are days when you just feel broken, your back hurts, your knee hurts, have that a lot. 也许有一天,你感觉身体不适,你的背疼,你的膝盖疼,这很常见。 Maybe you're a little sick or scared, but you still find a way to win. 又或者,你有点不舒服或者害怕,但你仍然能找到获胜的方法。 And those are the victories we can be most proud of, because they prove that you can win, not just when you're at your best, but especially when you aren't. 这些都是我们最引以为豪的胜利,因为它们证明了你可以获胜,不仅在你处于最佳状态时, 而且在你状态不佳时尤其如此。 Yes, talent is, yes, talent matters. 是的,天赋很重要,是的,天赋很重要。 I'm not going to stand here, and tell you it doesn't. 我不会站在这里告诉你它没用。 But talent has a broad definition. 但天赋的定义很广泛。 Most of the time, it's not about having a gift, it's about having grit. 很多时候,重要的不是有没有天赋,而是是否有坚毅的精神。 In tennis, a great forehand with sick racket head speed can be called a talent. 在网球运动中,出色的正手击球加上惊人的拍头速度是一种天赋。 But in tennis, like in life, discipline is also a talent, and so is patience. 但在网球运动中,就像在生活中一样,自律也是一种天赋,耐心也是一种天赋。 Trusting yourself is a talent. 相信自己是一种天赋。 Embracing the process, loving the process is a talent. 拥抱这个过程、热爱这个过程是一种天赋。 Managing your life, managing yourself. 管理好生活,管理好自己。 These can be talents, too. 这些也可以是天赋。 Some people are born with them. 有些人天生就有。 Everybody has to work at them. 每个人都必须努力。 From this day forward, some people are going to assume that because you graduated from Dartmouth, it all is going to come easy for you. 从今以后, 有些人会认为, 因为你从达特茅斯毕业了,所以一切对你来说都会很轻松。 And you know what? 你知道吗? Let them believe that as long as you don't. 让他们相信,只要你不相信。 学会应对失败,然后继续前进 You can work harder than you thought possible, and still lose. 你可以比你想象得更加努力,但仍然会失败。 I have many times. 我有过很多次。 Tennis is brutal. 网球很残酷。 There's no getting around the fact that every tournament ends the same way. 无可否认,每场锦标赛都会以同样的方式结束。 One player gets a trophy, every other player gets back on a plane, stares out of the window, and thinks how the hell that I miss that shot. 一名球员获得了奖杯, 其他所有球员回到飞机上,盯着窗外,想着我怎么就错过了那一球。 So, you know, I tried not to lose, but I did lose, sometimes, big. 所以,你知道,我尽量避免失败,但有时我还是输得很惨。 For me, one of the biggest was the finals at Wimbledon in 2008. 对我来说,最大的一次失利是 2008 年温布尔登网球公开赛决赛。 Me versus Nadal. 我对阵纳达尔。 Some call it the greatest match of all time. 有人称之为有史以来最伟大的比赛。 Okay, all respect to Rafa, but I think it would've been way, way better if I had won. 好吧,我完全尊重纳达尔,但是我想如果我赢了的话情况会更好。 Losing at Wimbledon was a big deal, because winning Wimbledon is everything, obviously, except winning that Dartmouth master punk title sophomore summer, it is. 在温布尔登网球公开赛上失利是一件大事,因为赢得温布尔登网球公开赛冠军显然意味着一切,除了在大二夏天赢得达特茅斯大师朋克冠军之外。 I mean I've gotten to play in some amazing venues around the world, but when you have the chance to walk onto center court at Wimbledon, the cathedral of tennis, and when you finish as the champion, you feel the magnitude of the moment, and there's nothing like it. 我的意思是, 虽然我曾经在世界各地的一些令人惊叹的场地打球,但当你有机会走上“网球殿堂”温布尔登的中心球场,并最终获得冠军时,你会感受到这一刻的重大意义,没有比这更重要的了。 In 2008, I was going for record six consecutive title. 2008年,我的目标是创纪录的六连冠。 I was playing for history. 我是为了历史而战。 I knew I would never get another shot at six in a row. 我知道我不可能再有连续六次的机会了。 I lost Wimbledon. 但我输掉了温布尔登网球公开赛。 I lost my number one ranking, and suddenly, people said, "He had a great run." 我失去了第一的位置,突然间,人们说,“他表现很棒。” “Is this the changing of the guard?" But I knew what I had to do, keep working and keep competing. “这是换岗吗?”但我知道自己该做什么,继续努力,继续竞争。 In tennis, perfection is impossible. 在网球运动中,完美是不可能的。 In the 1,526 signals matches I played in my career, I won almost 80% of those matches. 在我的职业生涯中参加过的 1,526 场比赛中,我赢得了其中近 80% 的比赛。 Now, I have a question for you. 现在我有一个问题要问你。 What percentage of points do you think I won in those matches? 你认为我在这些比赛中赢得了多少百分比的分数? Only 54%. 只有54%。 In other words, even top ranked tennis players win barely more than half of the points they play. 换句话说,即使是顶级的网球选手,赢得的分数也仅仅只有他们比赛分数的一半多一点。 When you lose every second point on average, you learn not to dwell on every shot. 当你平均每两分就输一分时,你就学会了不要对每一次击球都过于纠结。 You teach yourself to think, "Okay, I double faulted.It's only a point.” 你教会自己这样思考:“好吧,我双误了。这只是一分。” "Okay, I came to the net and I got passed again, it's only a point." Even a great shot, an overhead backhand smash that ends up on ESPN's top 10 playlist, that, too, is just a point. “好吧,我来到网前,又被超越了,这只是一分。” 即使是一次精彩的击球,一次最终进入 ESPN TOP10 的反手过顶扣杀,也只是一分。 So here's why I'm telling you this. 这就是我想和你们说这件事的原因。 When you're playing a point, it has to be the most important thing in the world and it is. 当你打球时,每一分的争夺都是世界上最重要的事情,事实也确实如此。 But when it's behind you, it's behind you. 但当它过去了,那就是过去了。 This mindset is really crucial, 'cause it frees you to fully commit to the next point and the next point after that with intensity, clarity, and focus. 这种心态非常重要, 因为它能让你全身心地投入到下一分, 再下一分,全神贯注、清晰而专注。 The truth is, whatever game you play in life, sometimes, you're going to lose a point, a match, a season, a job. 事实是,无论你在生活中参与什么游戏,有时,你都会失去一分、一场比赛、一个赛季、一份工作。 It's a rollercoaster with many ups and downs, and it's natural when you're down to doubt yourself and to feel sorry for yourself. 人生就像过山车一样, 有起有落,当你失落的时候, 怀疑自己、为自己感到难过都是很自然的。 And by the way, your opponents have self-doubt, too. 顺便说一句,你的对手也存在自我怀疑。 Don't ever forget that. 永远不要忘记这一点。 But negative energy is wasted energy. 但负能量是对能量的一种浪费。 You want to become a master at overcoming hard moments. 你要成为克服困难的高手。 That is, to me, the sign of a champion.The best in the world are not the best because they win every point. 对我来说, 这是冠军的特质。世界上那些最优秀的球员,不是因为他们赢得的每一分而变得优秀; It's because they know they'll lose again and again, and have learned how to deal with it. 而是因为他们知道自己会一次又一次地失败,并且已经学会了如何应对。 You accept it, cry it out if you need to, and then force a smile. 你接受它,如果需要的话,哭出来,然后强颜欢笑。 You move on, be relentless, adapt and grow. 你继续前进,坚持不懈,适应并成长。 Work harder, work smarter. 更加努力地工作,更加聪明地工作。 Remember, work smarter. 记住,要更聪明地工作。 赛场不是生活的全部 So here's the third one, life is bigger than the court. 接下来是第三点,生活比球场更大。 A tennis court is a small space. 网球场是一个很小的空间。 2,106 square feet to be exact. 确切地说是 2,106 平方英尺。 That's where singles matches. 这就是单打比赛的地方。 Not much bigger than a dorm room. 比宿舍大不了多少。 I worked a lot, learned a lot, and ran a lot of miles in that small space, but the world is a whole lot bigger than that. 我在那个狭小的空间里付出了很多, 学习了很多, 跑了很多英里,但世界要大得多。 Even when I was just starting out, I knew that tennis could show me the world, but tennis could never be the world. 即使在我刚开始打网球的时候,我就知道网球可以让我看世界,但网球永远不可能成为世界。 I knew that if I was lucky, maybe I could play competitively until my late 30's, maybe even 41. 我知道,如果我够幸运的话,也许我可以一直打到30多岁,甚至41岁。 But even when I was in the top five, it was important to me to have a life, a rewarding life full of travel, culture, friendships, and especially family. 但即使我进入了前五名,对我来说, 拥有自己的生活,过上充满旅行、文化、友谊,尤其是家庭的有意义的生活, 仍然很重要。 I never forgot where I came from, but I also never lost my appetite to see the very big world. 我从未忘记我来自哪里,也从未失去过探索广阔世界的渴望。 I realized pretty early that I wanted to serve other people in other countries. 我很早就意识到,我想为其他国家的人民服务。 Motivated by my South African mother, I started a foundation to empower children through education. 在我的南非母亲的激励下,我创立了一个基金会,旨在通过教育增强儿童的权利。 Early childhood education is something we take for granted in a place like Switzerland, but in Sub-Saharan Africa, 75% of children do not have access to preschool. 在瑞士这样的地方, 我们认为早期儿童教育是理所当然的事情,但在撒哈拉以南的非洲, 75%的儿童无法接受学前教育。 Think about that, 75%. 想想看,75%。 Like all children, they need a good start if they're going to fulfill their potential. 像所有孩子一样,如果他们想充分发挥自己的潜力,就需要良好的早期教育。 And so far, we've helped nearly 3 million children to get a quality education and help to train more than 55,000 teachers. 到目前为止,我们已帮助近300万儿童接受优质教育,并帮助培训了55,000多名教师。 I have to tell you, it's a wonderful feeling to visit these incredible rural places and to find classrooms full of children who are learning and reading and playing like children everywhere should be allowed to do. 我必须告诉你们,参观这些令人难以置信的乡村并发现教室里坐满了孩子,他们像世界各地的孩子一样学习、阅读和玩耍,真是一种奇妙的感觉。 It's also inspiring to see what they grow up to be. 看到他们长大后的样子也很鼓舞人心。 Some have become nurses, teachers, computer programmers. 有些人成为了护士、教师、计算机程序员。 It's been an exciting journey, and I feel like we're only at the beginning with so much to learn. 这是一次令人兴奋的旅程,我感觉我们才刚刚开始,还有很多东西需要学习。 Like many of you are today, I was not ready for anything other than tennis, but sometimes, you've got to take a chance, and then figure it out. 就像你们当中的许多人一样, 除了网球之外, 我还没有准备好做任何其他事情,但有时候,你必须勇于尝试,然后找到答案。 Philanthropy can mean a lot of things. 慈善事业可以意味着很多事情。 It can mean starting a non-profit or donating money, but it can also mean contributing your ideas, your time, your energy to a mission that is larger than yourself. 这可能意味着创办一个非营利组织或捐款,但也可能意味着将你的想法、你的时间、你的精力贡献给一个比你自己更大的使命。 All of you have so much to give, and I hope you will find your own unique ways to make a difference, because life really is much bigger than the court. 你们所有人都可以奉献很多东西, 我希望你们能找到自己独特的方式来发挥作用,因为生活真的比球场更大。 Tennis has given me so many memories, but my off court experiences are the ones I carry forward just as much. 网球给了我太多的回忆,但我的场外经历同样让我难以忘怀。 Whatever game you choose, give it your best. 无论你选择什么游戏,都要尽力而为。 Go for your shots, play free, try everything, and most of all, be kind to one another, and have fun out there. 努力去尝试、自由玩耍、尝试一切,最重要的是, 善待彼此,享受乐趣。
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你的位置:MXC中文网 > GameStop Coin中文网 > 郑钦文闯入奥运决赛,完美诠释费德勒成功哲学:你必须非常努力,才能看起来毫不费力